Navigating The Stormy Seas Of Social Security Disability: Why You Need An Attorney

Posted on: 20 June 2015
Applying for social security can be a chore. If you've been hurt or laid up by an accident or illness, working may be out of the question. This is the time to apply for social security disability, or SSD, but getting approved to receive monthly payments is sometimes nearly impossible. This is where a knowledgeable social security attorney can help. An attorney who's well-versed in the Social Security Act will help you anticipate the following bumps in the road:
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Understanding Your Legal Rights When You Play Sports For a Company-Sponsored Team

Posted on: 18 June 2015
In law and legal matters, there is always some gray areas that force a judge's hand to decide. These gray areas often cross over from one clear-cut area of the law to another, and what happens in between to cause litigants to sue puts everyone in limbo. One such area is playing a team sport, like baseball or softball, which is sponsored and supported by the company you work for. If you are injured playing sports for your company's team, do you know what your legal rights are?
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Workers Compensation: The Benefits And What They Entitle

Posted on: 18 June 2015
Worker's compensation benefits can encompass a wide range of things from medical care to death benefits. If you have been injured while on the job, or you become ill because of your job, you may be eligible to receive some—or all—workers compensation benefits. If you want to become more familiar with the types of benefits available, use this list of the three most common types of benefits: 1. Medical
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Five Myths About Car Accidents

Posted on: 5 June 2015
If you have been injured in a vehicle accident that was not your fault, you may feel that you have everything under control. After all, you had insurance and so did the other guy, so you will no doubt be taken care of in a fair manner. Unfortunately, while you sit back and try to get better from your injuries, important evidence is slipping away and time is passing. You may be making incorrect assumptions about personal injury situations, and what you don't know really can hurt you.
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